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This page includes my paintings and sketch art

Africa Rising

Africa has so much potential and finally it has recognized it... For that, I cry tears of joy - I am Africa.


Mickey Mouse

Channeling my 10-year-old self way back when. This used to be my go-to cartoon - when ever I wanted to show off my drawing skills.

Hands off

The only way to get rid of pain, is to feel it.


Like Gold purified in a furnace loses its impurities and achieves its own true nature - African leadership University has embarked on a journey to unleash African Potential.
Africa is perceived as one gigantic national park, a jungle, a place with small mud huts, the charity resort, one big country will lions walking on the streets (dcl. Metaphor)

But behind those ruins, sits a land with so much potential - with artists, leaders, doctors, engineers, journalist, social scientists, computer geniuses, architects, lawyers and all kinds of resources that can propel a faster rise of Africa.

As an artist at the African Leadership University - I am utilizing art to retell the story of Africa - not just flipping a page, but writing a whole new book.


Random Sketches


My Painting gig

I learnt, got sun burnt, laughed, got disappointed, ate, skipped meals, got creative, followed orders, negotiated, agreed to disagree, took risks, chickened out, pushed myself beyond my limits, got lazy, got bit by mosquitoes, wore heavy clothings in the sun, bathed and washed clothes in diesel then in powder soap, got flat broke, earned dissent money, said hello, found love, said goodbye, gained new experiences, met new people, reconnected with old friends and so much more... it was just a roller coaster of emotions and events... and it was all facilitated by this one thing “my first painting gig”

Talent the myth

No one is born an "anything" we all become a "something" the minute we make a decision to become it... And if we keep at it, thats when we "conventionally" become experts or worth attention... All these tags and labels like expert, talented, gifted, born for, are nothing but ... They're just there to make you feel like you have an awful long way to go until you become them...

DigiTal Art

I Believe that creativity is nothing but a mind set free. My digital designs are just like my paintings - except that the paint never fades.

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